The path towards your next job at Myreas

July 2020

If you ask us what do we pay attention to at Myreas when recruiting enterprise architects, we could go on for a few days. We’ve asked our Head of Enterprise Business Architecture, Marc Vandeperre to summarise it and guide people in their path towards a job at Myreas.

Capture the essence

Our first focus is on conceptual properties. Why? Because you see in the market that many people are strong analysts, but a good architect tries to capture the essence – meaning the basic concepts - and he can present them in a very simple way. When you capture the essence, you can present it simply. Wasn’t it Einstein who said that if you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough?

Too many details

A second characteristic that’s often a pitfall for analytic types is that they need lots of details to be able to take decisions. But knowing when you really need to look into the details or not is a skill, as well. We expect an architect to know: if I make a mistake here, the consequences are huge, so I should analyse it more deeply. And in the other case, this mistake means one month’s work for one man, so I’m not going to focus on this. Then you’ve got yourself a perfect architect who can think conceptually, make nice analyses and build a good story. But you still may risk ivory tower syndrome, and we don’t want that either.


That brings us to the second focus: how do you connect with or present to stakeholders? How does the stakeholder get the feeling that it’s his architecture? The Colruyt Group’s vision is for the manager of a business unit to be the business architect of his business. You need to show enough empathy to identify his needs to start our work, building on his needs. Then you can sell an architecture, because he really feels: they get me.

So you have the hard, conceptual side, but also strong soft skills with a hefty dose of empathy. Multiply all that by a team of +35 enterprise architects and you’ve got yourself a combination that’s pretty unique in Europe.

Do you want to know more about us? We’re more than happy to talk to you and see when we could make our first appointment.


The impact as Enterprise Architect


Big things often have small beginnings